
12 August 2015 | Others

Canada Is Emerging as a Leader in the Internet of Things

One of the latest and most significant tech developments of the decade has been happening inside our homes. The Internet of things (IoT) is a term that refers to items, especially home appliances and home electronics, that have the ability to communicate with one another and with other Internet-enabled objects. Data is collected, organized, and made available to consumers in a variety of ways thanks to these next generation home electronics.

A New Way of Gathering and Accessing Useful Information

For a long time, consumers have connected to the Internet using devices more or less specifically designed for that purpose, including laptop computers, tablet computers, and smart phones. Devices such as Internet-connected home thermostats and wireless wearable tech like smart watches greatly increase the way that information is made available to consumers. It is no longer strictly necessary to gather electronic information from traditional computer devices. The Internet of things makes it possible to gain accurate and useful data from a surprising range of sources. This allows consumers greater control over their daily experience with these electronics, whether the devices provide entertainment, security, convenience, or comfort.

The Internet of Things is Already Here

Some consumers are unaware that devices such as smart home security systems, Internet-connected thermostats, and smart watches all contribute to the Internet of things. This might give the impression that the IoT is a new and emerging technology trend that only early adopters are picking up. In fact, Canadian consumers are enjoying an exceptional level of achievement in the realm of IoT, both in terms of developing and adopting these exciting new technical solutions.

What Makes Canada Different?

Canada has a unique configuration of factors that could make it a surprise leader in terms of IoT development, service provision, and consumption. A national survey entitled Canadians and Their Connected Devices was recently conducted by the DMZ and Primus. This survey provides one of the first and most comprehensive looks at current technology use in Canada and at Canadians’ attitudes towards the IoT. Given that 75% of Canadians own a smart phone, this kind of comprehensive survey is a study whose time has come. Some of the survey’s key findings demonstrate that 40% of survey responders consider themselves early adopters of new technology. 68% agreed that connected devices will save time and make their lives easier and 83% agreed that they would willing to try new technology intended to make their lives easier.

Canadians are interested in connected technologies for five major reasons:

  • To reduce stress
  • To help consumers manage their homes more efficiently
  • To increase fitness levels
  • To improve health
  • To address the health concerns of a spouse

Because these motivating reasons are so prevalent among survey respondents, it can be predicted that IoT-enabled devices relating to stress management, personal or familial health, and household management are going to be the most popular and sought after. Respondents seemed optimistic that devices connected to the Internet of things are going to help achieve these important goals; 63% of Canadians report that they plan to adopt connected devices within five years and 44% plan to adopt these devices in the next two.

IoT Growth

Consumers and developers have positively responded to the advent of IoT technology. Remarkable growth has taken place since the introduction of these devices to the market. The organization of telecommunication providers GSMA has estimated that more than 7.4 billion objects are now connected to the Internet. As the application of IoT technology continues to diversify and as IoT-enabled devices become more affordable and commonplace, this number is predicted to continue to rise.

The development of new devices is just one aspect of the future of IoT technology in Canada. Systems and infrastructure must also be developed to maximize the usefulness of this technology. Support services, maintenance and troubleshooting, and other aspects related to the development, deployment, and use of IoT technology must take place at a commensurate pace. We might very well see job growth and training opportunities increase in order to meet the demand for talent in this emerging industry.

ElectronicBox is excited to introduce consumers to what is proving to be the next big leap in the world of technology. The Internet connectivity solutions we have available may soon provide new and exciting services to you and your family.

Image Source : Diginomica